Manoj Rupada

9 years ago

Misra Subimal

Subimal Misra (b. 1943) has written exclusively for little magazines since 1967. An antiestablishment writer, Misra is considered the father…

9 years ago

Manjima Bhattacharjya

MANJIMA BHATTACHARJYA is an independent writer, researcher and consultant with NGOs from across the world. She has a PhD in…

9 years ago

Malcolm Muggeridge

Well-loved broadcaster Malcolm Muggeridge (1903-90) worked as a journalist for many years on The Guardian, The Daily Telegraph, The Calcutta…

9 years ago

Mukherjee Mithilesh

Born to parents dedicated to the education of girl child, Mithilesh Mukherjee followed in their footsteps, beginning her career as…

9 years ago