Nikita Modi

Nikita Modi Biswas is a J.J. School of Applied Arts graduate who has been teaching art to kids for over…

1 year ago

Nikita M. Biswas

Nikita Modi Biswas is a J.J. School of Applied Arts graduate who has been teaching art to kids for over…

1 year ago

Neel Debdutt Paul

Neel Debdutt Paul is a storyteller. He has worn many hats in publishing houses all over India, the most recent being…

2 years ago

Neil Schachter

Neil Schachter, M.D., is the Professor of Pulmonary and Community Medicine and the Medical Director, Pulmonary Rehabilitation at Mount Sinai, Medical…

2 years ago

Nisha Sharma

Nisha Sharma is the award-winning author of YA rom-com MY SO-CALLED BOLLYWOOD LIFE, and contemporary romance drama, THE SINGH FAMILY TRILOGY. She…

2 years ago