Prajwal Hegde

Prajwal Hegde has been working with The Times of India since 2005. She is TOI's Tennis Editor. She has also…

6 years ago

Pratibha Ranade

Pratibha Ranade is the author of six books in Marathi, some of which have been translated into English. She has…

6 years ago

Promode Kumar Sen

Promode Kumar Sen (1899-1952) was a patriot and a journalist. He wrote columns in well-known newspapers of his time --…

6 years ago

Prema Nandakumar

Dr Prema Nandakumar is an independent researcher, publishing critical and biographical works. She is also a creative writer in Tamil…

6 years ago

Prashant Pinge

Prashant Pinge loves stringing words together to create enchanting stories for children. He also utterly disregards reality. Little wonder then…

6 years ago