Vishnu Bhatt Godshe Versaikar

Vishnu Bhatt Godshe Versaikar, a Chitpavan Brahmin of theShandilya gotra, was born to Balakrishna Bhatt and Radha Bai ofVersai village…

9 years ago

Vishwajyoti Ghosh

Vishwajyoti Ghosh diligently pursues his interest in comics, illustrations, art and films. His comics are regularly published in various journals…

9 years ago

Venita Coelho

Venita Coelho is a writer, director and artist with several books to her name including Dungeon Tales, Tiger by the…

9 years ago

Vinay Lal

Vinay Lal is a historian, writer, and cultural critic. He has been on the faculty at UCLA since 1993 and…

9 years ago

Vinny Chitluri

Vinny Chitluri did her post-graduation in paediatrics from Kalavati Saren Hospital, New Delhi. She then moved to the US till…

9 years ago