Aparna Pande

Featuring the best of Aparna Pande.

7 Books on India’s Foreign Policy and Geopolitics7 Books on India’s Foreign Policy and Geopolitics

7 Books on India’s Foreign Policy and Geopolitics

The world today stands at a juncture that is a defining period for foreign policy. A large part of India's…

4 years ago
Saare Jahaan Se Acha: Making India Great | EXTRACTSaare Jahaan Se Acha: Making India Great | EXTRACT

Saare Jahaan Se Acha: Making India Great | EXTRACT

In the days following up to Independence Day (and with a lot more time on our hands), a lot of…

5 years ago
Spend a Rainy Evening with One of Our August New ReleasesSpend a Rainy Evening with One of Our August New Releases

Spend a Rainy Evening with One of Our August New Releases

Curl up with a hot cup of tea and enjoy the monsoon with one of our new releases from August 2020.…

5 years ago

Monsoon Must-Haves: Top 5 Indian Releases

When it's raining outside, what's better than curling up in your bed with a fantastic book and some hot tea,…

8 years ago