
All the Way Up! The Story of P.V. Sindhu #ShuttlingToTheTop, Now Available as an eBookAll the Way Up! The Story of P.V. Sindhu #ShuttlingToTheTop, Now Available as an eBook

All the Way Up! The Story of P.V. Sindhu #ShuttlingToTheTop, Now Available as an eBook

announces SHUTTLING TO THE TOP The Story of P.V. Sindhu, written by V. Krishnaswamy, that narrates the journey of India’s…

5 years ago
Shuttling to the Top: The Story of P.V. Sindhu written by V. KrishnaswamyShuttling to the Top: The Story of P.V. Sindhu written by V. Krishnaswamy

Shuttling to the Top: The Story of P.V. Sindhu written by V. Krishnaswamy

“P.V. Sindhu embodies all that a top sportsperson should have to attain success. She remains one of India’s principal contenders…

5 years ago