Best International Books

Featuring the best International Books.

Read an excerpt from Tessa Bailey’s ‘Unfortunately Yours’

A sham wedding, a few weeks living under the same roof, and then Natalie and August think that they can…

11 months ago

A Delightful Excerpt from Tessa Bailey’s ‘Secretly Yours’

Hallie is a burst of color in Julian’s grayscale life. For a man who irons his socks and runs on…

1 year ago

A Monster Meeting Another Monster | Read an Excerpt from “Almond”

The Emissary meets The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime in this poignant and triumphant story about how love, friendship, and…

3 years ago

HarperCollins announces its I Can Read! Subscription Program

Widely recognized as the premier line of beginning readers, I Can Read! books are organized into levels. With a range…

3 years ago

Lockdown TBR: Books. Series. Movies.

While online streaming is fun, we vouch that reading a book before you see the film/series is always worth it!…

4 years ago