Fantasy Novel

Featuring the best Fantasy novels by HarperCollins.

Read the first chapter from Alan Garner’s Booker shortlisted “Treacle Walker”!Read the first chapter from Alan Garner’s Booker shortlisted “Treacle Walker”!

Read the first chapter from Alan Garner’s Booker shortlisted “Treacle Walker”!

A fusion of myth, magic and the stories we make for ourselves, Treacle Walker is an extraordinary novel from one of our…

2 years ago
The Divining Thread by Anjum N ChoudhuryThe Divining Thread by Anjum N Choudhury

The Divining Thread by Anjum N Choudhury

The Divining Thread by Anjum N Choudhury weaves in myth and folklore to bring you a lyrical story with strongly…

2 years ago
Spotlight: An Interview with a BookstagrammerSpotlight: An Interview with a Bookstagrammer

Spotlight: An Interview with a Bookstagrammer

In Spotlight, we interview people who've popularized books on different social media platforms. With irresistible pictures, intelligent conversations and book…

7 years ago