Illustrated book

All blog posts and websites related to illustrated books.


Author and illustrator of The Gutsy Girls Who Led India, Ilina Singh says, “I did not find any book on…

5 months ago

The Gopi Fun Activity Book

With colourful, creative illustrations from the original Gopi books and a variety of activities that stimulate the brain, The Gopi…

6 months ago

The Girl Who Lost Her Yes | Out Now!

Talking about The Girl Who Lost her Yes, author Aarti Khatwani Bhatia says, ‘Around the age of 5-6 years, most…

7 months ago

The Rain Harvesters

Talking about the book The Rain Harvesters authors Stephen Aitken and Sylvia Sikundar stated, 'This is the first book in…

7 months ago

A Star Named Bibha and Other Stories

Talking about A Star Named Bibha and Other Stories author Anwesha Sengupta says, ‘Researching the lives of these thirty exemplary…

8 months ago