Shonar Bangla

Shahidul Zahir’s Surreal Fiction | ExcerptShahidul Zahir’s Surreal Fiction | Excerpt

Shahidul Zahir’s Surreal Fiction | Excerpt

Born in 1953 in Old Dhaka, Shahidul Zahir published only six works in his short life – but these are…

2 years ago
Your answer to everything curious about Bengali cuisine – Arpan Roy’s The Non-serious Guide to Bengali FoodYour answer to everything curious about Bengali cuisine – Arpan Roy’s The Non-serious Guide to Bengali Food

Your answer to everything curious about Bengali cuisine – Arpan Roy’s The Non-serious Guide to Bengali Food

HarperCollins India is thrilled to announce the publication of Arpan Roy’s The Non-serious Guide to Bengali Food – a book…

3 years ago