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Jayasree Kalathil
Jayasree Kalathil is the author of The Sackclothman, a children's book that has been translated into Malayalam, Hindi and Telugu. She shared the JCB Prize for Literature in 2020 with S. Hareesh for her translation of his novel, Moustache. She is a recipient of the Crossword Book Award for Indian Language Translation and the V. Abdulla Memorial Translation Prize. Her translation of Sheela Tomy's Valli (2022) was shortlisted for the JCB Prize for Literature, the American Literary Translators Association's National Translation Award in Prose, and the Atta Galatta–Bangalore Literature Festival Book of the Year Award. Originally from Kottakkal in Malappuram district, Kerala, Jayasree currently lives in a small village in the New Forest in England.