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Rashmi Palkhivala
Rashmi is married into the Palkhivala family who were amongst Yogacharya B.K.S. Iyengar's early students in Mumbai and shared a warm relationship with the Iyengars. Her family now has three established teachers of yoga: her husband, Jehangir, her mother-in-law, Dhan, and and her brother-in-law, Aadil, and perhaps some more in the making.She has always been an itinerant at heart with the eventual dream of settling in a house up on a hill, preferably surrounded with mist and mango trees. She has diverse skills that hold very slight credibility in the real world, like building houses of mud, helping birth babies and being able to zap a headache out of existence with some dextrous foot reflexology. In real life, she teaches English to high school kids. She enjoys writing and directing plays for older teens and has worked with several Mumbai schools for their annual dramatic productions. She has written a delightful book on the history of Mumbai for children, called Samundari City. As the home on the hill hasn't materialized yet, she presently lives with her family in Mumbai, in an apartment on the seventeenth floor.